The foundation

Stiftelsen Edvard Munchs Atelier is a private foundation that was established on 23 October 1990 after the Winter Atelier with its grounds and the old orchard were transferred to the ownership of the City of Oslo.

Statutes § 2 Purpose
The purpose of the foundation is to preserve Edvard Munch’s studio at Ekely, Oslo, as an object of international cultural heritage. The studio will be made available for work and exhibitions by fine artists. The foundation will promote interest in and knowledge of fine art, in particular that of Edvard Munch, and Munch’s connection to the property.

The studio building and surrounding garden were granted listed status on 19 February 1997 by Norway’s Directorate for Cultural Heritage in accordance with § 15 of the Cultural Heritage Act, following a protection order from 21 June 1991.

The foundation has commissioned several rounds of renovation work on the studio building with a view to restoring it to its original design. In 2014, the skylights in the large studio were restored, and the outdoor studio was thoroughly renovated and rebuilt in its original form.

In 2020–2021, the foundation carried out a major and extensive upgrade of the studio’s basement, including the printing workshop and the meeting room, thereby improving the facilities and achieving a more flexible use of the space. The work was completed in autumn 2021.

The foundation has a small staff with a manager in a 50% position.

The board of the foundation:

  • Hans Henrik Klouman, chairman of the board, appointed by the foundation
  • Sverre Landmark, appointed by Selskabet for Oslo Byes Vel (Society for the Welfare of Oslo)
  • Morten Andenæs, appointed by the artists at Ekely
  • Christin Fonn Tømte, appointed by the Munch Museum
  • Elisabeth Blichfeldt, appointed by the Fortidsminneforeningen (Society for the Preservation of Norwegian Ancient Monuments), Oslo and Akershus department

Stiftelsen Edvard Munchs Atelier
Org. No. 963 145 853